Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Office Life Obstacles...

Well it's lunch time, and I actually managed to dodge the pizza and burgers in the cafeteria today and grabbed a salad. Go me! Right?! Well sure if I hadn't eaten a blueberry Panera bagel and a handful of Dunkin Doughnuts Munchkins this morning.

Ahh the wonderful world of the office. Not only am I sitting on my ass all day, but I'm surrounded by my very generous co-workers who love to bring in tasty treats.

And what do I do? I ditch my banana and my yogurt and decide to start a weight loss blog while eating doughnuts... FAIL! 

But hey at least I kept my lunch under control, and have plans to work out in the next couple of hours... Baby steps right peeps! 

Tips for avoiding extra calories from treats at work: 

1. Have more will power than me!
2. Avoid all contact with known treat sharing offenders.
3. Convince yourself you don't even like doughnuts anyways...
4. Just give in and eat the yummies and pay for it in the gym later :-)

Well back to work... These contracts won't load themselves! 


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